Part 30: Leaves of Three:
Part 28 - Leaves of Three: Episode 1![](1-i7rAlTUlQINVI.png)
You asked for it. Those stats don't reflect what MuscleWizard's actual stats are. There are multiple endings to this chronicle, but this is MuscleWizard's specific story, with only one of a few possible endings. There is another document Nihilistic released on this Chronicle, and I'll share that with you all at the end of MuscleWizard's story, so look to that for information on the other endings. My text (obviously not actually in the game) will be in italics, while MuscleWizard's will be regular. Note that I'm adding a TON to make this story run smoothly.
I've been around for a while - since what they call the "dark ages". But those were some of the best times a kindred could live their unlife in. Even being a part of what was called a "lower clan", nothing compares to being able to openly exist in. I was a part of a Tremere Chantry back in Prague, before some asshole Crusader, waving his meatfist around and never shutting up about someone called Anezka, dusted all my fellow Tremere, including my Sire, Ardan. I was in Vienna at the time, but when I came back and found out what happened, I was so disturbed that I rejected kindred society and went into hiding. I survived off of rats and feeding on unsuspecting humans at night, and I came up with this new method of lifting heavy objects in order to keep my muscles, whereas everyone else would've said that was pointless because lifting weights for its own sake is a waste of time. But I was going to keep my muscles if nothing else, goddamn it!
Now out of hiding, the only want I have is to accumulate power. I don't travel with others since that fucking asshole crusader murdered everyone I cared about. Besides, they'd just get in my way. I've got a knack for overhearing things, and everyone underestimates how much I know about them. Before I continue, I need to have some way to display my power. Maybe I can change these clothes into something more intimidating...
There we go.
The first thing I run into is that ghoul, Campbell. He looks like an aging, slightly overweight man with slicked back hair. He's Michaelas head of security for the Barclay Hotel-slash-Haven. He sees to the defenses of the hotel, and helps to organize the death squads that patrol the streets that border the domain. Campbell spent his normal mortal years in the Marine Corps, followed by a long stint as a cop in NYC. He was selected by Michaela as her security officer after she noticed his successful routing of many of the Setite-run drug rings in Morningside Park. Campbells years on the NYC police force, busting drug dealers who always seemed to skirt the system, has given him great skill in planting evidence. In another life, he would have made an exceptional pick-pocket or magician, as sleight-of-hand has always come naturally to him.
As soon as he sees me, this fucking asshole starts walking to the back like he expects me to follow him. Not even a word out of his mouth.
I'll follow him for now, but I will make this pleb bow before me.
I've heard about Dominic. He's the Seneschal to Prince Michaela. Dominic was appointed by the Primogen, much to Michaelas chagrin. He scratched and clawed his way up the ladder within the Five Boroughs region, and was deemed the perfect fit for the Prince. After all, with a Seneschal like Dominic to worry about, the Prince would need to court support from the Primogen even more than normal.
Dominic is tall man with receding hairline and close-cut grayish hair. Dominic speaks with a slight British accent and is always impeccably dressed in fine suits. This causes him to be mistaken for a Ventrue quite often. I've heard through the grapevine that he's actually Malkavian. The accent is faked, and part of his derangement. The British just sound cleaner to him. Yeah, cleaner. He's obsessed with being clean. Due to his state when embraced, he awakens each night partially unshaven and unkempt fingernails, etc. Every night he goes through an elaborate ritual, trimming his hair and shaving, clipping fingernails, etc.
There are a few ways I can play this, but getting Dominic rattled is a good starting point. I need to do something he's not expecting.
<MuscleWizard> Will I get paid for this?
<Dominic> (raises an eyebrow) You will receive the satisfaction of serving your Prince! (calms down) And I should suppose that rubbing elbows with the movers and shakers of this domain should be of some benefit to you.
Then he wouldn't talk to me anymore. I guess he's always struggling to keep his madness in check. Maybe Campbell will have something to say.
I hate this bureaucratic bullshit, but it's necessary for me to play the game to get the power I want.
I'll go rest until the conclave.
Not a bad place.
Those fucking assholes! This is like a slap in the face! Having this wooden box when I should have a bed fit for a king.. I'll make them pay.
I've rested enough. It's time for the conclave.
Campbell's seeing ghosts, the fucking idiot. I guess this is why he's got his job - just stay on edge at all times to hide the fact that he doesn't have any real skill at knowing what's up.
Here come the Brujah.
I just want to point this out. The male brujah is actually named HeavyG in this chronicle, and for some reason, the camera centers on the player if they are using a HeavyG model.
The Brujah Primogen of New York is a hard-edged, streetwise leader, fashioning himself after the ubiquitous Archon, Theo Bell. Each night, G leads the patrols that maintain the shaky borders of Camarilla territory. Heavy G is level-headed enough to realize that without cohesiveness between the Primogen, they stand no chance of maintaining their territory. The politics and backstabbing that occur just serve to piss him off further. He's a tough biker in heavy leathers and baseball cap, Heavy G usually appears quiet and brooding. That is, until his temper snaps, usually followed by a few unfortunate necks. His tough outward appearance masks the care he takes with all of his street crew, amongst whom he has earned great respect.
Traci.. I don't know much about. She's very new. For some reason HeavyG embraced her recently. She idolizes HeavyG, and would do anything for him.
Arianna is, obviously, the Toreador Primogen of New York. She embodies the heart of the Toreador aesthetic. She firmly believes that without the Arts, the Five Boroughs would be a useless wasteland. If you look up Toreador in the dictionary, she'd be the picture next to the definition. She's a walking stereotype. I really don't like her.
<Traci> Whats up her ass? Damn Toreador snobs. Who do they thinks protectin their precious museums from getting torched by the Black Hand? Its our blood out there on the streets! Brujah blood!
Traci jumps at any change to suck up to HeavyG.
Mirabilis is a Tremere Regent and the current leader of the chantry within Barnard College. He is currently contesting the role of Michaela as Prince, mostly due to her lack of effort involved in improving the Sabbat situation. Nightly, the Tremere defend the small area of Manhattan that the Camarilla clings to. And nightly many Tremere are lost. He does not understand why the Council puts such a high price on this area, but dutifully follows their commands. He think I'm some sort of a heretic because I don't cling to existing power structures. I don't need him.
I don't know much about this guy other than he's just the Nosferatu Primogen. Nobody seems to know anything about him.
In his mortal days, Johnston was a good Presbyterian from Vermont, a pharmacist with an obsession with lists, formulae and recipes. This talent has made him an excellent Thaumaturge, although his intense focus can also be quite annoying. Johnston serves as Regent Secundus to Mirabilis.
He sees himself as second-in-command of the Barnard chantry, but fiercely supports Mirabilis in the dispute for Princely control of the region (after all, Mirabilis' new duties may open up the possibility for his chance to run the chantry, and any advancement by the Regent advances his own position). His fastidious nature has allowed a level of organization in his thought and learning that propels him forward in the rigid Tremere hierarchy.
Campbell reminds me of some Sabaat I've seen in my travels, but I can't figure out who. William? I don't remember.
<Mr. Shreck> (cutting him off with a raising of his gnarled hand) I will show myself to my quarters, thank you.
I need to rest after that. That was incredibly draining.
I ran into both Campbell and Dominic in the hallway, but they wouldn't say anything to me.
Now it's time for that conclave.
The Prince has wrestled to maintain power within this tumultuous region for some time. Despite the near-impossible task of fending off the Sabbat on all sides of her domain, Michaela seems to have retained the support of the majority of the Primogen. Given free reign to create childer, she strengthens her grip on the region by creating large amounts of Kindred to support her cause (and many to throw up as undead cannon fodder to the Sabbat). Despite numerous requests for large-scale assistance, the Inner Circle has refused to send any useful aid to the area. As long as she maintains the region, she is caught in a catch-22, as the Camarilla deems that they already have the most lucrative section of the city, comprising mainly of the financial district, JFK airport, and a safe corridor through Queens (allowing safe passage off of the island via ferry). Any more effort would be lost on the ravaged city, which loses several Kindred on a nightly basis.
I've heard whispers of some pretty fucked up things about the prince. About her one release from all this bullshit: her blood-dolls. She spends time going out to dance clubs with her hair down and finds them. She takes a liking to young, stupid, overly muscular men, like they're her feeding weakness. In the quietest corners of NY, I've heard that she maintains a small harem of these for her pleasure, and actually enjoys displaying her cruelty towards them. Her current favorite is some male dancer named Luke, whom she borrowed from the recent LippenVales -- a male dance group -- tour. That must be him to her right, bound and gagged.
<Johnston> This is outrageous! Mirabilis is the rightful Prince to this region, the only one willing to strike against the Sabbat instead of waiting pathetically for each new attack! He is also eldest of the Primogen. If we cannot state our cause before the Justicar, there can be no resolution!
<Arianna> (smiling curtly): It would seem were all dressed up with no where to go.
<Johnston> Perhaps the Inner Circle doesnt see the importance of this matter? Do they not realize that without Tremere support, their feeble hold on the Five Boroughs would crumble in a night?!
<HeavyG> Theres plenty of Brujah blood on the streets, warlock! We dont hide in some ivory tower, my boys are out every night, laying it on the line!
<Johnston> The Black Hand has weaponry far more dangerous than the guns used by their street rabble! But then, I dont think I need to remind you of that - your artillery didnt forestall your recent loss in Queens, did it?
HeavyG rises quickly from his chair, hands trembling with rage.
<Arianna> How can do they expect us to take their claim seriously, when they are unable to even engage in polite conversation?
<Michaela> (eyeing Arianna) Well adjourn until tomorrow evening. I would remind our guests of the restriction on feeding within the bounds of the hotel, especially the mortal employees. I would direct you to the southern territory, or, if you prefer, suitable vessels can be delivered to your suites.
It's time to head back to rest.
Nihilistic did intent for there to be more dialogue at the end of that conversation, and for Luke be on his hands and knees, with Michaela pulling a leach that's attached to a choke collar, but they cut that out. Probably because they couldn't figure out how to do it.
<Arianna> Signs of struggle? Its awash in his blood, its doubtful hes alive! (at the description of the room, Dominic grows noticeably irritated)
<Mr. Schreck> I have further news. Remains of his clothing and jewelry were found washed up on Sheepshead bay this evening. They have been forwarded to the Barnard College chantry for examination.
<Arianna> It would seem that your rival has been dispatched, Michaela, how convenient
<Dominic> (speaking before the Prince can answer) How dare you insinuate such a thing? The Prince would be mad to risk such an action with the Justicars arrival pending.
<HeavyG> Youd know about crazy-ass decisions wouldnt you? All I know is that I wanna ash whoever it was that greased Traci, theres gonna be hell to pay when I find out!
<Dominic> Yes its also worth mentioning that the Brujah Primogens childe was found decapitated within the hallway. We havent determined if the incidents are somehow related.
<HeavyG> Related?! Theyre only related by the fact that whoever did it was a coward, taking a lick in his sleep, or choosing to waste a newbie instead of facing a real lick.
At this point, Johnston enters the room. He is livid:
<Johnston> I warn you all, the Inner Circle has been made aware of this treachery, and justice will be dealt swiftly to those involved in this deed!
<Dominic> What reason do you have to suspect those in this room? The Sabbat are most likely to blame here. Although to be honest, one does wonder how the assassin gained entry, since only yourself and the Regent were given access cards to the suite.
<Johnston> I hold no trust for any in this room. Your pointed daggers were visible well before this meeting, only requiring a time to strike. Nightly we successfully hold back the onslaught of the Black Hand, but the Regents faith in the judgment of the Conclave was to be his doom. As for the access card, it is missing. It must have been stolen by someone here!
<Dominic> We have nothing to hide (looks around the room, hands raised, nodding for assention). Mr. Campbell, if you would be so kind
Bill nods and begins searching the Primogen, then the Prince and Seneschal. He finds nothing of interest.
<Johnston> What of those whelps? None are beyond suspicion, Michaela.
So, what was actually supposed to happen here is that Bill Campbell was supposed to have found the Mirabilis' card to his suite on one of the coeterie members. Too bad none of that actually happens in the game, and as a result the dialogue doesn't make any sense.
<Michaela> Hold! These were trusted Kindred within the city, but I see now that we may have fallen victim to a Sabbat plot. I ensure you that I had no knowledge of this.
<Arianna> I had a strange feeling about these few before. I may have seen them near the border, speaking with others in shadow. It is the only solution, our bickering has allowed the Sabbat to place a knife at our throats! Why Mr. Schreck, isnt it true that your wunderkind childe has gone missing, most likely taken by the Black Hand?
<Mr. Schreck> ...
<Johnston> I demand that you deliver these traitors to the Barnard Chantry. The council would have ways of pulling truth from their bones!
<Michaela> Enough! Within my domain, I make the final decision as to punishment, especially towards those that have betrayed me. (faces the coterie) You have violated the Sixth Tradition, and are found guilty of corroboration with the Sabbat! (turns to Bill) Mr. Campbell, take them to the sunroom, and see that they confess their crimes to the breaking day. Perhaps their howls will alert their Sabbat masters to the dangers of invading my home! I shall forward their ashes to the chantry, for you to do with as you please, Regent Secundus.
Before I knew what was happening, they'd restrained me and put me in what they called a 'sunroom'.
I hear a click at the door, and a figure steps in.
Luke hurriedly frees me from my bonds.
<MuscleWizard> Why are you freeing me?
<Luke> Im not supposed to do this, but I have to help my master. Im worried for her. Dominic is planning somethin, but I dont know what. Ive followed him downtown, hes meetin with someone in the abandoned buildings, ya know? By the docks.
<MuscleWizard> Why are you worried about Michaela?
<Luke> Caus the Justicar is comin. I think Dominic wants to get her in trouble. I think he killed those two yesterday. I dont think you killed em. You have to help me, if anything happens to Michaela, Ill.. Ill I dont know what. Ya know?
I figure that this is my best shot at getting revenge at whoever framed me.
<MuscleWizard> Ok, I'll try to help.
<Luke> You will? Great! But, you should be careful. If they find out you aint dead, theyll call a hunt, I seen them do it before. The whole city will be lookin for ya. The Justicar is supposed to arrive tomorrow night. You have to get something on Dominic before she gets here. Ill meet you behind the hotel tomorrow. Bye.
He said 'bye', but he just stands there. I guess Michaela really does pick those with low intelligence.
I'm in what looks like a boss's room. There's a platform down that I can't operate...
...a computer I can't use...
...and a walkway I can't walk out on.
I don't remember much about what happened next. All I can recall was there was tons of fire involved and I think I killed everything that got in my way...
...but the next thing I know I'm back in Uptown.
Luke said that the room was at the docks, but the docks is the last thing I think of when I think 'Downtown'. Oh well, that's where I'm headed.
But first I'm going to sell some of the stuff I've picked up to this woman who won't stop saying "Blessed be!"